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Belt System and Syllabus

​Belt System


We follow the belt system of most Japanese Art's, Jigaro Kano's Kyu/Dan Syste - Below are the Grades and Colours.


8th Kyu - Red Belt                                   

7th Kyu - Yellow Belt

6th Kyu - Orange Belt

5th Kyu - Green Belt

4th Kyu - Blue Belt

3rd Kyu - Purple

2nd Kyu - Brown/White

1st Kyu - Full Brown

Shodan-Ho - Provisional Black Belt

Shodan - 1st Dan (First Black Belt)

Nidan - 2nd Dan

Sandan - 3rd Dan

Yondan - 4th Dan

Godan - 5th Dan


​Our Syllabus


We follow the Chiryoku Kempo Ju Jitsu 'Official Syllabus'.

The syllabus is comprehensive and extensive, covering all aspects of Martial Arts training. Below is a list of the areas covered



To put it bluntly we learn strikes, kicks, locks, holds, throws, submissions, grappling, use and defense of modern and traditional weapons, strategy, fundamental principles of attack and defence as well as modern morality, martial virtues and Martial Arts and the Law.

However it is the personal, physical, mental and to a certain extent spiritual development gained from classes which students find most valuable.



​Free. Phone:  0800 043 5203


Dojo Mobile:  07938 145 236
Dojo Landline: 01625 424 677







3B Pool Street



SK11 7NX

© Copyright THE DOJO / Grant Cooke Sensei. all rights preserved.

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