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Frequently Asked Questions for Adults

Here we have some frequently asked questions, these should answer any initial queries. However please do not hesitate to contact us if you want to know more


Do i have to be super-fit / will classes help my fitness?


People of all ages and abilities are welcome in our classes and helped to advance.

Fitness is an important part of every lesson, however no-one is made to go further than they are capable and are assisted to be the best they can be.


Are beginners welcome?


Yes, new students are always made to feel welcome at our classes in Macclesfield and Middlewich and are helped to fit in and get down to training. Every class is of mixed ability so no one feels out of place


How much does it cost?


When asked 'cost' I always ask people to first think of the 'value'  of knowing you will be safter, happier, healthier and developing martial virtues.


Our prices are competitive and excellent value for money. For concessions, discounts are available.


Where can i try a class?


We have two clubs at Macclesfield and Middlewich at the moment. Click on our 'LOCATION' page to find a class near you, we offer a free trial (with no obligation whatsoever) so you can be sure we are the right club for you.


How long will it take to get my Black Belt?


Students develop at different paces in different areas, on average a Black Belt should take between 3-5Years if not longer depending upon the students dedication and natural ability.

‘It is the journey. Not the destination which is important’


​Free. Phone:  0800 043 5203


Dojo Mobile:  07938 145 236
Dojo Landline: 01625 424 677







3B Pool Street



SK11 7NX

© Copyright THE DOJO / Grant Cooke Sensei. all rights preserved.

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