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Little Samurai Programme (4-8Years)

We teach children form 4 years old in this class; we focus on the core skills of concentration, focus, balance, coordination, control, memory and of course, confidence. Then we give the children a chance to practice them in class and then show them how they can apply these skills at home, or in school in a good way.

At this age children are not interested in ‘learning’ Ju Jitsu – but they don’t mind ‘playing’ Ju Jitsu. Our Little Samurai Programme has the development of the child at it’s core, we hope to develop skills and attitudes through structured games making Martial Art’s fun and easy.

Children develop and learn in different ways to adults and as such they need to be taught and shown things differently too, our instructors follow carefully designed Lesson Plans which have been tried and tested to ensure that every class is filled with fun, fitness, martial arts and character development.


Our Instructors enjoy teaching nearly as much as the children enjoy training.
The programme is designed to empower our Little Samurai so that they are confident and focused enough to go into the Samurai In Training Programme, continuing their Martial Arts journey with us.

To see what our classes can do for your child, try our Free Introductory Session at Macclesfield or Middlewich


​Free. Phone:  0800 043 5203


Dojo Mobile:  07938 145 236
Dojo Landline: 01625 424 677







3B Pool Street



SK11 7NX

© Copyright THE DOJO / Grant Cooke Sensei. all rights preserved.

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