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Here are some testimonials from students and parents about our childrens classes - we asked people to be as honest as possible 'warts and all'

featuring a child martial artist doing kicks, blocks and punches

Martin Blunt - Parent


Not knowing anything about martial arts myself I searched the internet to find a class that would be suitable for my son Daniel to go to who was at that time 7 years old.

We sent an email to Sensei Grant Cooke who invited Daniel to go along to a class and have a try.

As parents we were looking for certain aspects we could gain from our son doing Jujitsu for example obtaining more confidence within himself, concentration and of course being able to keep himself safe.

We immediately warmed to Sensei Grant Cooke and so did our son Daniel.  He has a quality to understand the children and maintain discipline and obtain their concentration throughout the lessons.  Sensei Grant encourages all the students and has a very polite and professional manner.  Having watched a number of sessions it is very clear to see that the children enjoy themselves whilst learning a valuable skill.  It is obvious that Jujitsu is a passion for Sensei Grant and this shows in his ability to want to pass this on to his students.

It is a pleasure to watch Sensei Grant teach.  He has encouraged our son over the past 3 years who is due to take his Grading shortly to obtain his brown and white belt.  Daniel has also been joined at the Dojo by his brother Ryan who is 7 years old and due to Grade for his yellow and white belt.

I hope that my two sons will carry on with Jujitsu and would have no hesitation in recommending Sensei Grant who is encouraged and has the full support of his wife Jodi in the running of the Doji to take them all the way to Black Belt

ju jitsu is the art of the samurai we follow theyre ways in chiryoku kempo ju jitsu

Jonty Cridland - Student

Ju-jitsu is a form of martial arts that was founded thousands of years ago as a form of offense or defense when a warrior had become seperated from his sword by the samarui.

In modern day we do not have to worry about becoming seperated from our sword however this martial art ensures the physical safety of one who has learnt it under attack. For not only this reason but for many others I believe the teaching of ju-jitsu (especially in the style of “Kempo” ju-jitsu, a form that combines strikes and blocks with throws and locks.) is important because of the discipline, skills and heritage it teaches to the student. Not only is ju-jitsu important, but I can say from personal experience it is also one of the most enjoyable and rewarding activities there is especially in the teaching style of Sensei Grant Cooke: an excellent and energetic teacher who teaches in fun and traditional ways mixed with great games!

kids and children love martial arts classes

Chris Sellars - Parent

My little girl, Meg started ju-jitsu in September 2011 at the age of four. I was concerned that she might be a little too young but with the supreme level of patience that Sensei Grant Cooke has with the kids and his ability to engage them and keep them focussed means that she looks forward to every session. Her levels of balance, co-ordination and confidence have increased significantly and we have been pleasantly surprised by the increase in respect and self-discipline that she is also starting to show. I am very pleased that I have chosen the dojo / chiryoku kempo ju jitsu for Meg

Eligio Cerval-Pena - parent

"At the start of 2012 we were looking for somewhere for Antonio to do martial arts in Macclesfield, just after he turned 5.

I'd heard good things about Sensei Grant from a friend who had trained with him in the past, and what I saw in the trial lesson bore this out. Sensei has a great teaching style that provides support, structure, learning and enjoyment in every lesson, helping students learn in a fun way that Antonio loves (as do Sempais Aaron and Ben).

Since starting Ju-Jitsu, Antonio has really enjoyed learning not only the physical side of things, but also the history and language. Being able to see the older group at the end of the session, and occasionally in the same session, has also benefited Antonio, seeing the considerable maturity and skill they demonstrate as a result of their lessons.


All in all, Antonio has been inspired by the Dojo and has spoken seriously about following in the paths of the Sempais and Sensei to full black belt. He has even said he wishes he could train every day he enjoys it so much!"


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Dojo Landline: 01625 424 677






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SK11 7NX

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